Sunday, September 30, 2018


 Kai Kai is incognito today.   He says, "Let's hide out, let's rest, let's do nothing!  It's Sunday!"
 He's my special boy-- timid, but so loving.
 He loves to be next to me the most, but Chumley will do. 
 Nala is his friend, too.
I think I'll go hang out with him-- and Nala, and Minnie, and Max, and Chumley.  Sometimes, it's good to take some time off.   HAPPY SUNDAY!

Saturday, September 29, 2018


 Clarence (on the right) came into rescue almost ten years ago.   It doesn't seem that long.
 Princeton came into rescue in 2013.    He was a foster with Clarence, and the foster parents fell in love.
 His mom and dad are avid bike riders so the boys get to go on adventures-- not on the bike, but to special places. 
 Clarence came into rescue right before Christmas, so we named him after the Christmas angel in "It's a Wonderful Life."   I didn't think the name would stick, but Kim (his foster mom and adopter) loved it!   And she loved him, too!
 Princeton came from a shelter in Annapolis, and his foster dad fell for him.  Look at his face-- I would, too.
 They are such good friends.   And this picture with the pumpkin tells us Halloween is coming soon.
 Are you excited, Clarence?
 Clarence is so friendly, Princeton is a little more laid back.
 They love going to the mountains with their mom and dad.
 Boys, are you getting ready to work?
 This is Clarence's friend, Lucy.  She was visiting and it looks like they are having a good time.  Lucy looks like she's been playing.  😀
I may have to figure out how to sneak in the car with them and head to their mountain cabin.  Sounds like a perfect place to me!

Friday, September 28, 2018


 Ricky came into rescue in April this year.   He was in a shelter and since he had one eye that didn't work well, and had limited hearing, his chances of adoption were slim.
 But, we saw the beauty there.
 He loved his ride to freedom.
 I love this portrait of his personality.
 He was with Lisa, who loved him-- but as fosters, we know we are there for a season and hope they find a wonderful forever home.
 And Ricky did!
 Jannie adopted him and he now lives with Pickle and Bella and Simon.
 Bella would like to still be the boss and she lets him know.   LOL  But, Ricky doesn't care.  He's very laid back.
 He loves his rug by the door and it's his mission to trip any burglar who tries to get in.  It's his new job and he takes it seriously.
I love ADOPTED!!   Ricky will be loved and cared for the rest of his life.  And that makes us SO HAPPY!!

Thursday, September 27, 2018

MY DAY....

 Chumley looks like I feel sometimes... my blog is late because my day got away from me.  WHY??
 My day is busy from the time I get up until I crawl into bed at night, hoping to read a few pages before my eyes close. 
 My day is spent carrying out blind dogs-- my Kai Kai.
 And Minnie needs to be carried because she doesn't have the mobility to get up the stairs.
 I try to keep small children and dogs alive as they wrestle and play and wind themselves up in my sheets.
 We blow bubbles.  And dig in the dirt, and read stories and have popsicles.
 I groom dogs and wrap them up to help them be secure.   And warm until we blow them dry.
 My days are spent going to the beach with grandbits.
 And watching them explore the mysteries of unicorns.
 It's treating injuries on dogs (Nala's paw) and giving meds for seizures and IMHA five times a day.  It's giving eye drops to several Pekes.
 My days are filled going to the vet.  And answering rescue emails, and helping get dogs into rescue and setting up transports.  (THANK YOU to all who help!!)
 It's letting Bits paint..
We make tandem wagons to carry toys in.
 It's rewinding ribbons-- yards and yards of it that Sugar Bit thought was fun to unwind.
 It's bringing cars into the house so she can ride them inside and create more destruction that you can imagine.  😀
 It's finding boxes they can play in..
And saving dogs who want to be students.   Busy days, happy days.  Rescue days.  My life is blessed!

Wednesday, September 26, 2018


 Bugsy is new to our rescue-- he can't really twist and shout, but he can sit up!
 Gizmo 2 can twist-- and we know he can shout!  LOL
 Gigi and Granger can do some dancing, too.  I think they're dreaming about what they can get into.
 He loves his new tent.  He hangs out there a lot.
 Minnie is 12, deaf and mostly sleeps.  But... see below.
 Nala and Sugar Bit were doing twisting and ... well, maybe just a lot of giggling as they twisted up the sheets.
 They were having a blast!   
 And there's Granger again.  Yes, he's twisted that tent around, and rolling around with glee.
 And Minnie can have her moments.
 She twisted and rolled this way and that way..
 And back again.
 And then decided a good scratch was in order.
I hope this posts-- if not, I'll add it to the comments on facebook.    Kai Kai is in his glory-- twisting and making noise-- not exactly shouting, but for 13, it's not bad!  You go, Kai Kai.   Twist and Shout all you want!