Sunday, September 30, 2018


 Kai Kai is incognito today.   He says, "Let's hide out, let's rest, let's do nothing!  It's Sunday!"
 He's my special boy-- timid, but so loving.
 He loves to be next to me the most, but Chumley will do. 
 Nala is his friend, too.
I think I'll go hang out with him-- and Nala, and Minnie, and Max, and Chumley.  Sometimes, it's good to take some time off.   HAPPY SUNDAY!


  1. Happy Sunday Kai Kai .... your head in the bag was like me this morning .... a certain puppy was barking at 6 in the morning .... and its darn Sunday!!!! Rrrrrrr LOL

  2. Thank you Kai Kai and the rest of the Maxwell Crowd for sure a great suggestion. Today it's cloudy here and while there's no nip in the air, it is the perfect day for curling up with a great book and sneaking in a few cat naps plus reading a bit.

    I know my three Fur Kids understand this perfect day because they are sprawled out everywhere in the living room doing what they do best....sleep and snore.
