Saturday, September 1, 2018


 We planned a day of fun-- go see my daughter, take Minnie and Nala with me since they need extra care.  We weren't going to be gone that long.
 First, we went to open house for Beach Bit.  I think this will be a great year for him.  His teacher is wonderful (lots of teacher of the year awards), it has a rocking chair and a reading rug.... Yes, it will be a good year.
 We were planning to visit with Granger, who was helping his mom with the dishes.
 On the way there, we heard an explosion!!   It was our back window in the van-- right next to Beach Bit's seat!  😞  We were in a construction area, and we think a passing huge truck "threw" a rock at us.  Not nice!
 Both Bits were okay and both kids were calm!  Sugar Bit wasn't even phased, which is pretty amazing.   WOW was about all she said.
 Once we got to my daughter's, we met a new dog-- she was found running a busy road by my other daughter.   No tag, no microchip.   PLEASE KEEP A TAG ON YOUR PET AND MICROCHIP THEM.   IT CAN MAKE ALL THE DIFFERENCE IN GETTING THEM HOME.
 She is young and my daughter had a perfect harness to fit her.   We contacted animal control and are watching "lost and found" in our area, but so far, no owner.   It's okay.  We'll make sure she is okay.   She won't go to the shelter.   We are doing what we need to do though.  She's a sweet dog!  And young. 
It was a long day-- we didn't go shopping as planned (school clothes), but we hung out and the Bits had a great day with their cousins.   Nala was glad to be home with her pink purse.   All in all, the day wasn't bad-- just all unexpected!  (And the window was fixed-- so we're set for another adventure!)


  1. What a shock Linda... the window !!! Thank goodness no one was hurt!!!

    That little dog you found looks like a part sausage dog ... so sweet.

    Love that pink purse and so does Nala :)

  2. So glad no one was hurt with the window blasted out and a new lost baby saved from the streets and from a stay in the doggy jail.

    Nala of course was ready to spend money. She's always prepared for that with her pink purse.

  3. OMG! So sorry about the broken window, but glad that no one was hurt! Windows can be replaced, and glad that it has been done. Were they blasting in the construction area? Not too far from where I live, they were blasting and a big rock landed in the passenger seat of a car, and the woman was killed! And lately, kids have been throwing rocks off of overpasses at vehicles on the interstate. Years ago, a kid threw a rock from an overpass and it hit the top of my car about 3 inches above the front windshield. Made a dent. Thank God it didn't hit the windshield as I might have been seriously injured.

    Sounds like Beach Bit is going to enjoy school. Granger can come and clean my dishes! Glad you rescued the dog and hope you find her owner or a new home. Do plans go how you expect them to? Poor Nala didn't get to go shopping. Hang onto your pink purse. How much money do you have in it? Watch out for purse snatchers.

    Hope the next trip goes as planned!
