Tuesday, September 11, 2018


Granger is my granddog-- he is quite a character!  But, his mom (my daughter) posted this picture and it made me think, "What life lessons has your dog taught you."   SO many of you responded!  It will be three blogs!   Get ready-- it will be like reading a book, because it's long!
Schmoo says, "Don't hold a grudge."  He has colon issues since he is missing a lower vertebrae and his wonderful parents take care of it all.   They had to give him an enema which he wasn't happy about, but he was so sweet afterwards. 
Schmoo's brother Snuffles says, "Be open to new things and try everything at least once."   He recently discovered the air vent.
And their sibling, Pudgie-- sweet boy who came from a Carolina shelter.   He thinks it's a good idea to eat several meals throughout the day.   I think I like that! 
Baby and Charlie say, "Give unconditional love."  💙
Bambi opened her dad's heart to love again-- she said trust and love.  She was her dad's heart-- and still is.
Bernie was rescued at the last minute from euthanasia after being in a shelter 21 days, with no air conditioning.  He had a huge bladder stone that was so painful.   He taught his sweet mom to be brave and to face all her fears.  Life is beautiful and worth fighting for.
Beth's crew taught her to have patience and compassion, and to let go when you want to hold on.   Good lessons.
Sweet Blossom (formerly Poof) taught her mom that joy always exists.  Sometimes, it takes extra searching and trust to find it.   Michelle adopted Blossom after her precious Oreo died suddenly.   Blossom helped her heart to heal.  I know Oreo is proud of his mom.
Caspar says, "Smile everyday."
Charles Dickens says, "Just be yourself!"
Dakota said to play everyday with your best friend. 
Gizmo says his goal is to eat as much as he can. 😉
AWE, this is Gus, who is 18.   He said it's okay to be 5 minutes late for work if he needs extra petting.  I agree!
Bella and Simon showed their mom her heart could expand to love again.  They didn't replace the others, but they did help repair the hole in her heart.
This sweet one belongs to Linda-- he says seniors teach her patience.
Harry says, "Forget tongue-out-Tuesday, let your peeps know how you feel all the time."
Abby says, "You don't always have to be a lady.  Be a tomboy and play in the dirt!"
China Doll said to, "Smile through everything.  You will feel better."
Magoo, Harry, Abby and China Doll's brother, said "Get your 'do' done every now and then and you will look purdy."   He sure is handsome!
Susie says to enjoy the day as it is, not as you wish it.  Suzie is happy with whatever is going on.
Chien Chien says, "Go for a walk at least twice a day."  
 Mary Dell says that her dog would say, "It's good to rest a lot!" 
 Sunny says, "Stay in bed if it's raining outside!" 
Suzy Q is gone now, but she had so many medical issues and had no eyes, like my Kai Kai.  She would have said, "Don't let physical limitations define who you are or limit your spirit in any way!" 

Thank you all for posting-- see more tomorrow!! ⭐


  1. Love all the lessons for today!

    Stay safe all of you that may come upon Hurricane Florence .... thinking of you especially Linda XXX

  2. Beautiful column and I'm looking forward to the next episode. Thank you.
