Saturday, September 8, 2018


 Minnie and Kai Kai were in the yard.
 Minnie has been here a few weeks and loves to explore the yard.  Just look at that face!
 Koko is 14, but he does amazingly well.  He can pop right up the five steps to the porch.  Minnie waits for me to carry her.
 They were out exploring on Thursday.
 Minnie began barking.
 Something was there.
 We have a lot of trees in our yard, and lots of squirrels.
 Minnie had found a baby squirrel on the ground.
 I was so proud of her.    I've never found a live baby squirrel in our yard. 
 I got the little squirrel (about six weeks old, and still needed his mama) into a dog crate-- yes, I have a lot of those.    I got right on line to find a wildlife rescuer.   Licensed Wildlife Rehabilitators | VDGIF
 Minnie kept exploring while I got the little squirrel ready to go to get help.
 The baby squirrel is now with a rescuer, and getting the care he needs.   I also found out that there are so many things she can use-- like food, and toys, and crates, and blankets.   I gave her some food, and a crate, but will be going back to give her more.  AND, she lives in my neighborhood!  I told her I had done Pekingese rescue for 15 years, and she said she wouldn't know what to do with a Peke. LOL   I told her I didn't know what to do with a squirrel-- so if I find a squirrel (or other wildlife), she gets it.  If she finds a Peke, I help.   💜 
Meanwhile, Minnie is still exploring for more squirrels and Nala has also offered to help.  What a team they are!


  1. You never know who and what sort of people are just around the corner! LOL

    I see you are having sunny weather Linda :)

  2. I have not used that crate you brought here because the dog I needed it for is very destructive and I was afraid he would destroy it. I also found a crate in my shed that I had forgotten about. If you think she can use them, let me know and I will dig the one in my shed out and you can pick up or give me her address and I will deliver! I also have some used, but clean dog toys if they will help. And, I have socks for dogs either for your silent auction or for the lady. I ordered 2 packs for Macaroon but they don't stay on his feet. Let me know.
