Tuesday, September 25, 2018


 Nala and her sister, BeeBee came into rescue in January after their owner turned them into a shelter.
 They were the sweetest, most playful pair I've ever seen.  They both had severe seizures and they both had IMHA.    BeeBee lost the battle with IMHA on August 10.   
Sometimes, Nala will lay next to Kai Kai.  Last night, I woke up with them both beside me, and they were side by side.  Nala likes the comfort of being with another dog.   (But, she loves me and I'm her person.)
Her battle with IMHA has continued and it's been rough. 
She curls up with Kai Kai on the couch to rest.   She doesn't have the energy to play as much. 
We went to the vet yesterday. 
Minnie went, too.  She likes to be with people, so I let her come along.
So did Kai Kai.  (He's 13 and I wanted to see how his heart was-- and it's GREAT!  Maybe a little slow, but nothing wrong with it.💙) 
We went into the room-- Kai Kai and Minnie sat in the stroller while Dr. Meador checked out Nala.
She wanted me to sit on the floor with her, so of course, I did.   She was checked out and her skin and foot checked.  Those were a concern, especially after her sister, BeeBee had the serious foot issue.   Nala has also been losing a lot of her hair due to Cushing's Syndrome which is a result of the meds she has been on for the IMHA.   She has gained weight and has "pred belly."  She has lost muscle mass.   Her skin is sloughing off.  Her skin is "thin."  These are all side effects of the meds and IMHA.   So many dogs do not beat this disease, but we are still fighting.   Her red blood count has gone up and down, up and down.  A month ago it was 42.  Then it dropped to 35.  Last week it was 26, yesterday it was 29.   We have been weaning her off the meds because, even though they saved her life, they are now detrimental to her health.   There is another med she can go on if she can't be without the prednisone, but for now, it's hurting her.   This little girl is a fighter and I love her.   She is a little warrior.   So, we will keep up the fight!
I told her I was writing a story about her-- so she looked over the top of the computer to give me ideas. 
She and Kai Kai decided to take a nap while I was writing, but she still had her pink purse in her mouth.   Keep praying for this precious girl that I've had the blessing to have in my life. 💗 I love her.


  1. I am praying for little Nala .....I just love how she carries her pink purse. What a sweetie.

  2. Crying and smiling in between at the battle your little warrior and you are waging against this awful condition and the medication that is saving her life while robbing her of health and longevity.

    There are times, and this is one of those times, that I lose hope in prayer because I'm not strong enough in spirit to bear up under losses including my own health battles currently going on as well as my Bandit with his spine condition.

    This blog gives me hope because apparently failure is not a word that Linda Maxwell readily accepts and from the looks of it Nala doesn't either. The little Purse Princess misses her beloved sister I'm sure but she battles on. If she can do it then by gosh so can I.

  3. I just love this sweet girl and I am praying for her. From now till the end of time I will always remember that sweet face and that pink purse. Nala keep fighting sweet angel You have a huge family that adores you from across the miles,from all 4 corners of the country. love and prayers sweet girl

  4. Prayers and good thoughts for sweet Nala. ❤️

  5. Such a special little girl!!! Thank you for giving her hope love and care!!! Your pups all put a smile on my face each day I read about them and look at their photos!!! Her pink purse is beyond adorable!!! I am so happy she has adjusted and settled in without her sister!!! Thank you for being her angel!!! We love you all!!! Sending strength and hope and prayers her way as she continues her journey!!! <3
