Wednesday, September 19, 2018


Steve and I contacted the breeder of Moi and Coco and asked if she had another Peke.  I know I have said I would not go back but …… we looked at the RSCPA and they just had all big dogs that looked like pit bulls or huskies – these must be “trendy” sadly .
So she said she had two older female pekes…. X breeding (of course) and one male puppy.
As you know I love those black pekes but the girls were beautiful too … one blonde and one red like my Coco.
If the puppy was another colour I would have adopted one of the girls but ….. it was just too much and when you see a puppy………. Hell, you know!
We got the puppy. Yes – WE must be Mad! LOL
Any Pekingese you get from her is what we consider a “rescue” …. When I picked the puppy up I felt  he had a hernia and she told us he was taken to a $$$” After Hours Vet Surgery” as he developed pneumonia after glugging down his mother’s milk and it went down to the lungs. So …. I know he will be sensitive in that area and I will always remember that.
When we got him home he was rubbing his genitals and in distress ….. we rang her and she said she has not seen this happen ---- Of Course!
OK …. We knew what we are taking on and so we took him to our Vet …. Not sure what that rubbing is but it could be urinary infection so my Vet has put him on antibiotics.
We have booked him into puppy classes for socialization  and that is at our Vets too.
I have named him Yum Yum …… you know I love a double name for Pekingese ! …. I do not know why Linda but I do.
He is yummy J
Very clever … learnt “come” and “sit”  and  how to do the doggie door in one try! This may go back when the hormones kick in! LOL
I will get him de-sexed about 6 months – plus the hernia fixed ….. oh he is nearly 5 months…. Born April the 30th.
I still miss Coco so much  ….. the places she sits…..  but as Steve said to me  “Coco would want us to rescue another one” and I think she would.
Of course he is “full on” but … so much fun too.
So Yum Yum wants to join the “Must Love Pekes” family .
I hope all is well your end of the world,
Morning Linda ,

Is not worrying … well  he is saying it’s not life threatening but ….. trees do come down and fall on people!
We had a hurricane in New Zealand a number of years ago when on holidays …. These are the photos from our apartment overlooking the beach. We had to put the outside furniture inside and the wind and sea spray was something else…. The next day we had to drive 3 hours to Auckland for the flight back to Oz and there was branches and leaves all over the place … luckily we left at noon so the trees etc. where all picked up off the roads .
I do hope you are spared and you do not have trees down etc.!!!!
 My sweet friend, Melinda-- Lady Jicky to all of you-- lost her precious Coco.  I posted a farewell for Coco.  
 After seeing our hurricane news, Melinda sent me pictures of a hurricane she was part of when she visited New Zealand several years ago.  
 It was quite an experience, as many in North and South Carolina know all too well.  
 After the hurricane, it was all calm, but during...
 It was frightening.  
 I wanted to share what Melinda told me though.   She and her husband felt that Coco would want her to have another Pekingese.  They went to the shelters there, but there were no small dogs, let alone a Pekingese. There aren't rescues there like we have here, but she wanted to rescue one.  So, she thought she would adopt a retired breeding dog-- and give it a loving home like it never had.   
 However, she got there, and there was a black puppy.   It had some medical problems, and Melinda knew they could help this puppy and get him the surgery he needed.   So, he went home with them.  Look at that face!  (Yes, he is as full of mischief as he looks like.)
Yum Yum has joined the family and has already been to the vet several times, having tests done and getting medicine.   He is getting the care he didn't have before and will have the surgery he needs.  .  Now Yum Yum has a home and Melinda has another Pekingese.  He is beautiful!!!   Thank you for helping this sweet boy!


  1. Who needs to join a fitness club if you have a puppy !! LOL
    I will be super angry if I do not lose some weight as we are doing potty training and that is a lot of running as you all know!!!!! LOL

    * I know I am his Mum but ....he is super cute :)

  2. Awe, he is so adorable and I can see the "puppy" in that sweet little face! Congrats on your new fur baby and thank you for rescuing him!

  3. What a wonderful Wednesday (or any day) story. I enjoy LadyJicky's remarks on the blog and I love her new baby Yum-Yum and saddened by her loss of her beloved Coco.

    I'm enjoying her having a puppy because I haven't had a Peke puppy in nearly 20 years when we had two Peke puppies and even now we often recall stories of those days because one of the sweet puppies turned out to be Patches who was totally black except a white chest and front paw tips that were white and a light tan just like little shoes. He was my husband's Best Man when we got married in 1998 in our front yard. Everyone remarked about Patches' "tuxedo" look with his all black coat with a white patch that resembled a shirt.

    Thanks for such a great story and I love "meeting" LadyJicky and her new baby.

  4. Thank you for your lovely comments Toni and Lost Earring !!!

    Yum Yum sounds very much like your Patches Lost Earring as Yum Yum has that white tux chest and white paw tips but as our grass is long and wet ... I have cut his paws in a cupcake shape as the long fur tips and bottoms just soak up the water as you know!!
    Yum Yum is not a show dog so it does not matter about the feet - I did this to my "girls" as well.
    If Moi Moi and Coco were alive they would love him and ... they would have shaped him up too... especially his "demand barking" which we are working on... those "girls" would have nipped that in the bud! LOL
