Wednesday, October 10, 2018


 Nala may be on limited time due to the IMHA.  I thought she was in remission, but it didn't last.
 Princess came to us over a year ago-- as a 16 year old Peke, abandoned in a shelter by her owners.
 Nala and Princess are both sweet girls-- 11 years apart in age.   Nala is 5 (almost 6, but I don't know her birthday).
 I decided Nala needed a bucket list of things to do while she's with us.   Princess is going to have one, too.   So, Jackie will share with me, and I'll do things for Nala.  And of course, we will share with you in a blog.
 Of course, Nala and her pink purse will be involved in a bucket list. 
 Nala's red cell numbers are low, and we can always hope they go up again and give us a little (or a lot) more time with her.
 Princess gets fluids at least three times a week, which her foster parents, Jackie and Bill, can do at home. 
 She doesn't mind being held while they are done.
 Snuggling is great.
 People have offered suggestions-- some we can't do.  We can't do things involving food that might upset their stomachs.  They are in serious shape already.  But, we can do some things!  Like go to the beach, get new toys,  have a Pupachino from Starbucks, ride in a stroller, get more pink purses.  We can do those! Chip suggested I take her surfing-- which would involve ME going surfing.  UMM, I don't think so.  LOL    I was going to take her to Beach Bit's school in the stroller yesterday (the neighborhood school is right around the corner), but it was too warm.  Nala has trouble getting oxygen, so I didn't want her outside for a long time.   Later, we will do that, when it cools down. 
Nala and Princess will have plenty of toys, they will have LOTS of love. (I do sneak her tiny treats that are okay for her system-- pieces of crackers which she loves.)  Yes, Princess and Nala will have all they need and more for however long they have with us.  Because we love them.  Because they deserve it.  💗💛  Because they are just that special.  ❤️💜 


  1. I look forward to seeing Lady Nala every single morning and it's hard to put into words but her little beautiful face and those stunning eyes sends little arrows into my heart. I know that when Joyful Grace was making her journey in Lidna's rescue I did the same thing as I'm doing now...holding my breath for another day of happiness for this tiny little beautiful girl.

    There's so much that is wrong with the world these days that I look to these little rescued Pekes for hope and encouragement. KaiKai and each Peke I see under Linda and her fellow rescuers with their loving care gives me hope. When one of them leaves this earth there's a big hole in my heart but I am comforted by the life they are given through rescue efforts.

    Some day there will be no cancer or IMHA and maybe not in my lifetime but I'm convinced it will happen.

  2. Dairy Queen also does a pup cone (sample of vanilla with a tiny milkbone)

  3. omgggg. SO CUTE! Both of them look like precious babies. I wish them both the best, and they both look so special and baby !!!!! wow sweet 16. my baby peek is 15.5 I wonder if they are related !!!
