Sunday, October 14, 2018


 We had our Pekingese Club (PVPC) October meeting yesterday.  Nala went and sat on my lap.   What do you do when you are just a passenger going to Richmond?  You try to see if you can get Nala's hair to stand up all over.  She is so tolerant!!
 And this is what we saw at one point.  Why?  Because there was a car sitting beside the road--- nothing wrong.  But, everyone had to look.   Oh, No.
 We weren't that far--- so let's get going.
I'll share lots of pictures tomorrow-- Nala was there, so if you came, you were able to meet her in person.   She loved all the attention!   Scout was there, too-- showing us how much she loves bananas.  This was a new one for me! LOL   They all say HAPPY SUNDAY!  💜💛

1 comment:

  1. Banana's are new to me too !

    I had a dog many years ago that just loved oranges and even lemons..... not a Peke , Toby was a cairn terrier .
