Tuesday, November 20, 2018


 Berry came into rescue this past summer.  His owner was moving out of the country. 
 He is about ten years old and was a special boy. 
 He was born without his eyes developing or he was injured, but he had no sight.   Older, no sight-- would anyone adopt him?  He was sweet though.  And he loves tummy rubs.
 Sofia saw him on petfinder.  She fell in love with him and asked her parents to adopt him.
 I did their home check and loved them.   They met Lisa, his foster mom, at Yankee Candle in Williamsburg.   He rode in the cart.
 They stood in line to get his picture with Santa!  🎅🎄
 And here he is!  Sofia's friend said she is his godmother!  He is loved already.
 He went home and met his new doggy siblings.  They adopted this Bloodhound mix who is ADORABLE!   He is heartworm positive and they are treating him.  He became my friend while I was there.  He joined their family a few months ago-- this family loves the ones no one else will adopt. 
  Their two labs were both so sweet-- I was in heaven with all the dogs!
 And guess where Berry sleeps-- yes, right there in the bed.
This is a THANKSGIVING story for sure! 


  1. How could you reject sweet Berry..... and he has just the Best new owners around :)

  2. What a sweet and uplifting story for today. I'm in love with Berry now. Seeing that he instantly claimed bed space was so cute.

    I love happy endings and Berry's new home and family sound like such wonderful people.

  3. He really couldn't have a better home. He will have lots of love there.

  4. What a wonderful and inspiring story! It is so heartwarming to learn about adopters who will give loving homes to older or special needs dogs! Berry is a lucky boy and his mom is lucky too!
