Thursday, November 8, 2018


 Asia came into rescue six years ago this month. 
 She was four years old and turned in by her owner because she "traveled too much." 
 She didn't stay there long.   We took her into rescue and Ruth fostered her.
 At first, she wasn't too sure about things, but she settled in quickly.
 She had found a place where she could have the love she deserved.
 Like most Pekes, she was very willing to help with chores.
 She has a friend, too!  Friends are always good.
 Asia has sweaters to keep her warm as it gets cold here in Virginia.   It hasn't snowed yet, but we know the cold will bring snow eventually.
Her foster mom fell in love with her and adopted her.  Asia even has her own monogrammed blanket!   Foster failures happen-- to all of us!   Asia is a lucky and happy girl. 


  1. So ..... that little dog "traveled too much" ??

    OK....I am going to say it ..... "did Asia travel to Asia I wonder ???" LOL

  2. LOL Asia traveled too much? Funny but she is so cute and sweet, she just melts my heart.
