Friday, November 2, 2018


 Sneaky Wu came into rescue in 2012.  He was part of a family that "had too many dogs" and he ended up in a shelter.
 He was a beautiful boy and so sweet.
 His mom absolutely adores him-- who wouldn't!
 The bathroom is his favorite spot-- I think the cool floor is a great spot to rest.  And the mat just makes it a softer spot to lay down.
 Wu loves to get behind his friend's legs if something is scary.  He probably stayed there during the trick or treaters!
 His mom took a trip to Florida to enjoy the sunshine and Wu thought it was a great trip.  Warm weather and sunshine are the best.
 He even decided to pose with his tropical hat on.
Wu has a great life now!   We love you, Wu!💙


  1. I love that name "Sneaky Wu" and I love him too !
    I bet Yum Yum and Sneaky Wu would make great friends if they met and I am so happy to see he has a wonderful life now :)

  2. Thanks so much Linda for doing a blog about Sneaky Wu. You do such a great job.I love seeing pics of him before I adopted him.And thanks for putting the blog on his Facebook page.
