Saturday, December 22, 2018


Mazie was tired of all the Christmas decorating, so she curled up to take a rest.
Lucy Lu is loving her new home-- and she is ready for Santa to come.
Lucky lives where it's colder than where he was last year-- so he's set!
 Phoebe says, "I'm ready!"
Her brother, Yoda, is set for cold weather!   Oh, he's so cute!
 Minnie and  Nala are both  ready.  Nala is wondering if I'm done with wrapping gifts.  No, not yet.
Minnie supervised me wrapping presents.  She was such a big help.
 Sadie, my cousin's dog, was ALL SET for Christmas-- now bring on the treats!
 Beautiful Daisy told Santa everything she wanted-- and most of it was for other Pekingese who need help.  Her Dad does so much to help raise money for us. 
 Bernie belongs to my friend, Claire.  He was rescued and adopted-- and we are so glad!!  What a life he has now.
 BG-- aka Baby Girl or Bad Girl-- I just had to show her picture again.  We never know what she will be up to.
 Binks is going to have a wonderful Christmas-- he got to meet a new foster yesterday.  It was short because she was just passing through, but his foster mom helped us to get her.  I'm so thankful.
 Lisa and her boys, Boo and Lu, were so happy to see Santa.
 Blossom, sweet girl.  She will have a happy Christmas this year-- what a loving mom she has.
 My granddog, Callie.  She looks so easy and peaceful-- and she loves her Bits.  But, she loves trash cans, too!  LOL
 Buster posed in his yard to show off his Christmas vest.  Are you ready for Christmas!?
 Princess in her favorite spot-- in front of the fireplace.  It's there just for her to stay toasty warm.
 Puddle Bug found a Christmas toy.  He claimed it.  We hope he has a new home soon-- he's ready!
 Sugar, Lola and Yodi just moved into their new home with their mom and dad.  Lola thinks chasing chickens is great fun-- but what if she actually catches one! 
 Little Taffy is dreaming of Sugar Plums this year. 
Wu loves visiting Santa with his mom!   He is one of the most loved Pekes ever.  
Christmas will be here soon-- are you ready? 🎄


  1. Well Linda..... I see lots of jumpers but tomorrow Yum Yum is off for his summer prune!
    His first one too.
    I hope he will be good at the groomers , he has so much fur! LOL

  2. I love following the Must Love Pekes blog which gives me the opportunity to see so many Pekes who have won the rescue lottery.

    I especially enjoy the Christmas adventures of so many Pekes and other Furs who have gone from homeless to adopted and loved.
