Saturday, December 8, 2018


I love the group pictures I get from friends.  It shows love and togetherness-- and sometimes, it shows missing pups and that is heart touching.  Kay and Claretta have lost this year-- but their home is still full of pups and love and Christmas spirit.  This picture shows a few other things.  Pop (third from left) is looking around to see if BG is close-- and wondering what BG's mood is.  Beau (third from right) won't even look in BG's direction.  (Can we see a pattern here?)  ) Teddy is looking for an escape route in case of trouble.   BG herself, on the right, is totally unconcerned.   Tina and Maggie on the left, figure there are enough victims between them for them to be safe! LOL   
 Maggie knows she is a princess.  She knows her moms will protect her from BG-- also known as Bad Girl.   Oh, my. 
 Teddy can defend himself-- right Kay and Claretta? He can, we hope.
 Oh, BG.  When you came to my house, I thought you were so sweet.  You were great while you were here.   I guess it was the calm before the storm.  I thought I was giving my friends a great, easy going dog.  Then, tornado BG showed up at their house and created havoc.
 Sweet Pop-- you were found with Beau near me and I fell in love.  But, I couldn't keep you so you went to Kay and Claretta's for fostering-- and never left.
 Beau!  Oh, that face!  You are just a heart stealer.   I want to kiss your face.
 Tina-- when I got you from the shelter near me, I couldn't really tell what you were.  You were in such bad shape that I wasn't sure.  Hair missing, bad health - but so sweet and deserving of a chance.   It's hard to believe that was over three years ago!  You have brought life and energy to your home and the others are more active because of you.  What a sweet girl!!
Here is the final picture.  All are behaving-- or should I say BG is behaving-- and the picture is beautiful.  Send Christmas photo op sessions of your dogs.  🎄

1 comment:

  1. You see Linda...... its the black Peke's .... they are just FULL of "Naughty" !!!

    *Yum Yum has chewed my Christmas tree skirt :(
