Saturday, January 5, 2019


 This isn't about Pekes, so please forgive me for taking a detour to say HAPPY 60TH BIRTHDAY TO MY HUSBAND!   
 He has helped me with all the Pekingese who have come through our home for the last 15 1/2 years-- and our own Pekes before that. 
 He married me and my two kids (I was a widow) 33 years ago and has always loved us all immensely.   He is just love itself.
 He loves making pancakes with the grandbits.
 From the oldest (who is 15), to the youngest, Sugar Bit, who is 3, they are all adored and cared for.
He has "put up" with a lot of fosters coming through our home-- a LOT-- and some, like Chumley, who have stayed.   He adores Nala, but don't tell him I told you that.
 We have had a wonderful marriage, lots of laughter.  We still enjoy talking to each other, and he helps me carry our old dogs out at night-- and do dishes, help with errands, and he loves to cook. YAHOO! 
 God gave me the most wonderful husband and I'm so blessed.  Happy Birthday Matt!!!


  1. Happy 60th Matt !!!

    From the Aussie's ...

    Melinda , Steve and Yum Yum !!!

  2. How beautiful is that? Such an inspiration to see a loving couple married 33 years working together at rescuing.

    Most of all, being father and grandfather to all the little Bits and obviously strong in his faith to God. I enjoy his posts and his love of cooking.

    Happy Birthday Matt.
