Tuesday, January 8, 2019


 Buffy and Ollie were both adopted from PVPC.  They are always so cute.  They have the best harnesses!
 Christmas was amazing at their house--- their mom is the best Christmas decorator ever.
 They had new presents.
 Ollie had to take some breaks.
Buffy did, too and she chose the Christmas plaid bed.  Oh, I do love plaid. 
Buffy said, "Be Gone!"   But, I love all the decorations-- her house is like a wonderland.
 Christmas trees are in every room-- and I do mean every room.  Even the bathroom.  One tree just has JOY ornaments on it, in homage to their mom's name.
 This one is enchanting!! 
 They are all stunning.
 Buffy said, "I'm going to bed.  Christmas is over and New Year's has come and gone."
Parties are over and it's time to rest and enjoy January- and take a long nap!