Sunday, January 13, 2019


 Granger heard we are having a picnic and this year-- GET READY-- We are having the picnic in Richmond, VA.   We want to try this new location.   We have always done the picnic in N. Virginia, but we hope this new place will work for everyone.  If you are closer to the previous one, we hope you will still come.  It's going to be fun!!  (Maybe some of my Bits can come!!  For those of you who don't know me well, my Bits are my grandkids.)
 Gizmo aka Bumble might be able to come.  I hope so.
Elwood, do you think you can come- chat with your mom and dad! 
We will be having it at the Deep Run Park and Recreation Center on May 4 beginning at 10:00.  We will still have our Silent Auction to raise money for our foster dogs' medical care.  We will have food and fun, and time to visit.  I can't wait!!!   I hope you can come.  Stay tuned for more information, but mark your calendars now!


  1. I have marked my calendar Linda and I have bought a lottery ticket and if I win.... I will be in Richmond, Virginia in May!

    Fingers and Paws crossed :)

  2. I'm like Lady Jicky, I'm buying a lottery ticket so I have plenty of money to take along to give for this wonderful cause.

    Previous to the upcoming Pekingese Picnic, we had a very aged vehicle we didn't want to trust for a trip across Virginia. Since then we bought a new car and have no worries about breaking down. Now the problem is stuffing three active Fur Children into a little 4 door sedan along with a wheelchair and finding a place to stay that would allow those Fur Babies of ours.

    But what fun it would be, meeting Linda, the Bits (maybe) and so many of the people we've become acquainted with through Facebook.

    It might be better to leave the Furs with a babysitter and going on our own.

    Oh well, plenty of time to make plans and hope that Husband's work schedule will allow the trip.

    1. We stay at La Quinta when we are on the fee for pets.

  3. Yay!! The NJ Pekes are excited and we all look forward!!!

  4. The Lewis & Vavro Peke Squad will be there! I cannot wait!
