Thursday, January 10, 2019


 I shared a picture yesterday of a dog who needed help.  It was not a Pekingese, but I still hoped that by sharing, I could find someone or a rescue who could step in and help this one dog.   (Blossom above was one of our Potomac Valley Pekingese Club rescues.)
 I was shocked by some of the responses.   Some responses said I was ignorant and uncaring.  They bashed me and said the dog was a Peke (it wasn't).   Some said I should have explained WHY I wasn't taking in this dog myself.  Why??  It wasn't a Peke.  (Many said, "it's a Peke, it's got Peke in it.)    (Floyd above)  But, I could try to spread the word about it, hoping it would lead to a home.
 Our mission as a Breed Rescue is this:  We are a rescue  "whose objectives are to rescue, protect and place homeless Pekingese, and to serve the breed by enhancing public understanding, encouraging responsible ownership and providing fellowship with fellow owners or fanciers of the noble, historic Pekingese breed of dog."
 I went to Petfinder (and other places) to see what they said about Breed Rescue.  Petfinder said this:  "Purebred dog rescue organizations grew out of the concern of “fanciers” of various breeds to find homes for unwanted, abandoned, stray, mistreated or neglected dogs of those breeds. Breed specific rescue groups are made up of dedicated volunteers who house, care for and carefully place purebreds in new, hopefully permanent, homes. For prospective dog owners who are interested in a particular breed, this type of rescue group provides an alternative to breeders or pet shops. An important plus is that these rescue organizations do not contribute to the companion overpopulation problem.  ...As breed specialists, purebred rescue groups know what to expect in terms of personality and temperament and even what medical problems dogs of that breed might be prone to suffer. This knowledge helps them to make successful placements. Rescue groups also have the advantage of time and TLC. Most of them rely heavily on foster homes to care for dogs until they are adopted....Expect a rescue group to ask you questions about your lifestyle and to require that dogs be spayed or neutered prior to adoption (stay away from those that don’t). Many also require a home visit and/or a fenced area for the dog. Finally, expect to pay an adoption fee. The fee will help reimburse the organization for vaccinations, heartworm testing, teeth cleaning, grooming and other medical care that the dog has received."  (We never make money on our fosters.)
 Our group is a Breed Rescue group.   We rescue Pekingese. 
 I looked up other breed rescues.  I found a German Shepherd group-- guess what, they just had German Shepherds.  No mixes, no Pekingese there. 
 A friend of mine does Dachshund rescue, so I looked at her page.  What was there?  Labradors? No.  Mastiffs?  No.  Pekingese?  No.  Just Dachshunds. 
 We have taken in old Pekes (Koko was 14).
 We have taken in blind dogs.  This is my Kai Kai, a previous foster that I adopted.
 Nala is my foster now-- she is the most medical foster dog I have ever had.  My whole schedule revolves around her and her medication.   Do I mind-- No.  She needs me.
 Our group takes only Pekingese.  Occasionally, we get one that the shelter said was a Peke, and it wasn't.  But, once we agree to take a dog, we follow through and take care of it.  (My Max and Kai Kai above, both fosters that weren't adopted.)
 We take in sick, healthy, deaf, heartworm positive dogs.  We take in dogs who need surgery, and try to help them have the best life they can have.  We take in those that were thrown away, and work with them to let them know they are okay and safe and we will make sure they continue that way.
 The smiles on the faces of those we adopt to are priceless.
 We foster parents (and many others) drive countless miles and spend our own money to do it.  We often pay for the food for our fosters, toys, medicines, and other expenses involved in the care of our foster dogs. 
 We help in summer, and winter, and spring and fall.  Seasons don't change what we do-- many holidays are taken up with phone calls and messages, and trying to help a needy Peke.
 We have taken in many pairs and we try to keep them together-- like Bella and Simon.
 We want to give them a bright future.
 And if we can't give them that with an adoptive home, then they stay in our foster care until it's time for them to leave us.   (Granger above just left to go to my daughter's home where he runs the house.)
 Some come to us with severe medical or "mental health" issues-- like Nala and Minnie.    So, they stay with us and we give them a life of love.   Nala's time may not be as long as we wish for, but it will be good and fun and full of love.  Minnie had severe emotional issues, and I decided she didn't need to be moved again.  So, she will live with me the rest of her life.  Did I need another dog?  NO.  But, she needed us.
 We are rescue-- we are PEKINGESE RESCUE.   Does that mean we don't care about others?? Of course not, that would be ridiculous.  That's why I posted about a dog in need yesterday.  I hoped people would share and they did!  Over 150 shares.  And those people probably shared. 
 We are PEKINGESE rescue-- so we rescue Pekes.  Not Shepherds or Dachshunds or others, even though I think those are great dogs.  My daughter has a Chocolate Lab who is wonderful.  My other daughter has Black Lab that is superb -- a former bait dog with scars on his back.  They are all welcome here. 
 But, I've had Pekingese all my life.  I love the breed.  I know a lot about the breed-- more than I ever thought I would learn.   I've been in rescue almost 16 years.  So, if you didn't think I was helping yesterday by posting a picture of a dog in need, I'm sorry for you.  It was what I could do.  It was because I cared.  I wonder if my criticizers have actually done rescue or had almost 300 dogs go through their home on their way to a new future.  Or if they've had ones who couldn't move on, so they just took care of them themselves.  It doesn't matter.   I will keep doing what I do-- I will rescue Pekes.  And if I can help a "non Peke" find a new path, I'm glad to help. 
I do Pekingese Rescue-- and I love our group.   Thank you to all of you who help us.  You are the best!


  1. I have seen many dogs over the years on your blog that are half a peke or not a Peke at all and You and Potomac Valley Peke rescue .... well, you all bloody rescue them and well as full pekingese!!!!
    You all take them to a Vet and then find a foster home , care for their medical problems and then do adoption applications .... I mean - what the hell do they want??

    Honestly Linda ... I just don't get it!!!

    I love Pekingese and have had 4 in my life time but I have had a cairn terrier, pug, pug x , Shih Tzu cross and I loved them ALL .

    Having a rescue that is called Pekingese means you specialize in them but I know you all love and care for many breeds too.

    Some people are just so bloody "sensitive" and need to "get a life" or .... here is something .... start up a rescue too !! That should keep them bloody busy and off the internet!!!

  2. I believe my Granny's old standard when people act ignorant would apply here:

    Bless their heart Rita, they ain't right in the head so pay them no mind.

  3. I've rescued two pekes and four they-wish-they-were-pekes and I love them all the same. For me it's about caring and empathy. For those who are so narrow focused on just pekes there are dogs out there who will die from neglect or other issues without the flexible-minded caring of others. I applaud your efforts.

  4. I also have had Pekingese since I was a child. I have rescued 3, including my current one, Sam, who is 15 years old and deaf. I love the breed and I am glad that you do the work you do.

  5. I volunteer at a shelter near Linda and I can't tell you the many timed I wad do concerned about a mixed breed or breed other than a Peke and who did I turn to? My caring dedicated friend Linda at Peke rescue. She always helps, even though there was nothing to gain for Peke rescue or Linda personally. So I say thank you, Linda, I value you as a person, a friend, a mentor, and someone I can turn to when I need to vent about issues dealing with people. Bless you.

  6. Your heart is so big! It's sad that those judgemental people never had the privilege to know such lovely,selfless,kind, committed animal lovers such as the Potomac Pekingese Rescue volunteers. Key word = Volunteers! Congratulations and continued success in your tireless efforts!
