Saturday, March 30, 2019


 Daytona was Lisa's beloved Peke.  She called him her "forever puppy" and she had him since he was a puppy. 
She said, "He loved food. Mac and cheese, my homemade spaghetti sauce, pizza bones. He knew the difference from my homemade sauce and jarred sauce. Wouldn't touch stuff from the jar. You could see the disappointment in his face when he sniffed jarred sauce. I only made my homemade stuff for years so he could have his portion too."
 Like most Pekes, he had funny sleeping positions. 
 He loved everyone.  Adults, kids.. ❤️
 Daytona's best friend was Rocky-- they were together for ten years. 
 Daytona lost one eye when he was seven, and then when he was 14, his other eye was removed.  But, he still knew how to find his mom, who was his safe place. 
 Daytona loved to give his opinion, and he could bark up a storm.   He went everywhere with Lisa-- he loved trips to see family.   He was happy on walks, even when he could no longer see. 
 Daytona was just two weeks shy of his 16th birthday-- a part of Lisa's family for a long time. 
Here he was at the picnic a few years ago.    Daytona had a stroke this week, and could not recover from it.  It was time to say good bye to his mom and brother.   But, saying good bye to him was so hard for Lisa-- he was her life for so long.   He can see now and is running with all the others, like his sister, Princess, at the Rainbow Bridge.   Run free, little man-- it will be hard for your mom to go on without you.  💙


  1. We loved Daytona, too. We love you, Lisa!!

  2. My heart goes out to Lisa...... what a character Daytona was and what a food connoisseur he was too !!!
    He will be so missed.... sorry for your loss.

  3. I am so sorry.....sometimes an emptiness can't be filled....
