Monday, March 25, 2019


 Sweet Harley Marie was turned into rescue in 2013, when her owner was very sick.  She was adopted by my friend, and what a story that was.
 She came to meet two dogs at my house-- Roxy and Harley Marie (her name was Bubbles then).    Sitting on the floor on my deck, she said, "I think I'll take Roxy."  And right at that moment, Harley Marie dropped her head down, as if she was in despair.  We both saw that and were stunned.  Harley Marie wanted to be chosen-- and she was!
 She was a little one-- just 9 pounds.  Every summer, she went to the shore with her mom.
 She loved it there.  She wind could blow through her hair and she could run on the sand.
 She went on many adventures with her mom.
 Harley Marie was the absolute light of her mom's life.   
 She had everything she needed-- she had spine surgery last year and healed well from it.
 When she heard about the dogs at my house, she went shopping and bought new beds for each of them.  Harley Marie was so generous. 
 A week and a half ago, Harley Marie woke up during the night in distress.  Her mom rushed her to the emergency vet.  She stayed for days, and had tests.  She had to be in the oxygen cage to be able to breathe well.
 It turned out she had a serious heart condition.   She was able to come home, and had appointments set up to see other specialists.   But, she just couldn't breathe well without the oxygen.   So, she went back to the vet to have care.   Her mom realized this was the only way she could live-- in an oxygen cage-- and it wasn't the way to live.   Harley Marie wasn't 11 yet-- so young.
Harley Marie was her mom's whole life-- she loved this little girl so much.  She loved her too much to let her suffer.   It's the hardest thing an owner has to do.   My heart is broken for them-- but nothing compares to the hurt her mom is feeling. 
Run free, sweet girl.  You will be missed so much.  💜💜


  1. So sorry for Harley Marie's family and their loss.

  2. You made me cry for them. That Harley Marie was a total cutie. Please pass my condolences on to her mom.

  3. So sorry for your loss. Run free little one. I will miss your cute self in your posts!

  4. Tears are running down my face....I am so very sorry for the loss of your fur child. If only Love conquered all. You were the absolute best mom!

  5. Tears are running down my face....I am so very sorry for the loss of your fur child. If only Love conquered all. You were the absolute best mom!

  6. I’m so,so sorry. My heart is totally broken for her mom. Please send my love and heartfelt sorrow and condolences. It’s just the hardest and most painful day in the life of a fur momma.

  7. I am so sorry to read this ... condolences to her family.
