Wednesday, March 27, 2019


Gabriel "Gabe" came into rescue from a shelter in February 2007.   The shelter asked if we would help his knees/patellas so he could walk better.   On a scale of 1-4, one patella was 3.5.   He needed help.
Gabe, with his friend, Maya the Chihuahua, had big beautiful eyes.
He grinned a lot-- just happy!!  Even after the patella surgery, he was happy.  He had to be helped outside with a sling, so no pressure was put on the leg as he healed-- and he healed just fine!
He was a beautiful sweet one year old.  He just needed extra care.
Gabe had shallow eye sockets (not uncommon in Pekes) and one day, one eye popped out.   If this happens, you have to rush them to the vet immediately.  Keep drops on the eye to prevent it from drying out.  Gabe had surgery, but it couldn't save his eye.   Yes, he was one of our medical dogs that year!
By the time he healed, his mom couldn't let him go after so much.   He now lives in South Dakota where they moved several years ago.   But, we stay in touch.  And he has a pig for a friend now.
And Great Danes-- several!!  I forget how many. 
Gabe is 13-- but he still meanders around easily.   He is blind now, so his mom watches him carefully-- so do all the other dogs there.
He loves his life.   Yes, it gets cold in the winter, and there were massive snow drifts this year, but big paths are kept for him to get around when he needs to go outside.  Very short visits outside!
Gabriel is a very special boy-- and one who is loved so much.


  1. Love his name. Gabriel, Gabriel come blow your horn....decades ago when I was just a Vacation Bible School participant we learned that song.

  2. What a sweetie Gabriel is !!!

    A big "G"day Mate " to Gabriel from the gang in Oz !!!
