Friday, April 26, 2019


Max is almost 16 years old (August, 2003). 
We have called him Mr. Grumpy for years, because he could be grumpy especially if you picked him up.  😦
He could "do it himself" don't you know.
He is now called The Old Gentleman, because he has become gentler in his older years.   He was never really mean-- just grumpy.     He loved to get on the couch.
But, he hasn't been able to do that for awhile.
It's okay.  He has many soft beds to choose from.
I do yearly blood work on all my dogs.  I do tick panels and urinalysis every year with their yearly visits (although most go more often than that!). 
He used to LOVE LOVE the ottoman in front of the window so he could guard us from squirrels.
He was even gentle with Sugar Bit. 
This year, I noticed him starting to slow down-- and he didn't want to eat as much. 
But, I thought, "He's getting older.  It's okay." 
I took him in for bloodwork and urinalysis, etc.  I wanted to make sure nothing was going on.
He is still happy, here with Chumley, just slower.   He still insists on doing the five steps up to the porch.  Just try to help him-- oh, he will be grumbly.
His labs showed that Max had kidney disease.   Not what I wanted to hear.
His numbers were not good at all.  With kidney disease, by the time you see symptoms, the kidneys may have lost 75% of their function.  I was so sad.   So, we checked him out again.  He has ulcers in his mouth, a rare effect of the disease.   Soft food is a must.  And a special diet-- I make it because he hates the prescription food for this.  The kidneys are critical because they clean out the waste in the dog's system.  They can't filter out the toxins in the blood if they have kidney disease.  It's not uncommon in older dogs, but it can hit at any age, even under a year.    If your dog will drink more, that's great.  If they won't, there is the option of IV fluids to help.  Many dogs are okay with this-- Max is not.  He hates it.   I saw the vet yesterday, and she said to let him be comfortable.   Don't make his last months hard, just do comfort care and I am doing that.  (I'm not giving up on him!)   I make his special food, and give him whatever he will eat.  He has already lost 2 1/2 pounds.   He has had almost 11 years of love here, and he has had a great life.  We just can't fix "old."
My Dog is in Kidney Failure, What Should I Expect?
When he was young, I fostered him and his sister, Maggie, who passed away in December of 2017.
Max (with Starlight behind him) is my boy.  And I will do all I can to keep him comfortable and happy.  When I can't do that anymore, I will gently let him go.   I love you, Max. 


  1. OMG, I just posted about the lose of my beloved, Patches a few years back and altho the vet called it cancer, it sounds like what Max is going through now.

    So sorry Linda, your Max being ill is not something you need today or any other day of the year for that matter.

  2. Oh Linda ..... big warm hugs to you and Max.

    Coco had kidney issues and I would add more water in her food but ... like Max she did not eat much but it was her heart and lungs that took her away from us in the end.

    Yes.... let little old man Max be comfortable - you are a good Peke Mum Linda !
