Saturday, April 20, 2019


Mr. Petey
 Mr. Petey was found as a stray.   His left front foot/leg is in really bad condition.  You can see it turned and folded under here.  He was severely matted and 1.2 pounds of hair was shaved off him.   Even his tail-- so he is pretty hairless right now.
 Georgia took him in and contacted me-- she's a friend and has adopted and fostered for us. 
 Mr. Petey had his transport yesterday, and Georgia met Chip-- he was having fun with Mr. Petey until I arrived.   Yes, Mr. Petey loves tummy rubs.
 He was ready to roll!
 I took him right to my vet for xrays.
 He wasn't too sure of the stroller.  He would rather be held.
 So, I held him. :-)
 Those eyes! 
 You can see his front leg is so "off."   We did xrays and it looks like he has had this condition for a very long time.   He could have been born with it, or damaged it in some way a long time ago.  His right leg has arthritis from trying to compensate.
 Then, we came home to meet my gang. 
 Somehow, Petey ended up in the playhouse.   A safe zone? 😌
 Paddington was checking him out.
 And then more checked him out-- and he was fine with that.
 He wandered in the yard.
 And Chumley kept an eye on him.
 And he saw more dogs coming.
 Paddington and Piper were so interested in him!
Then, we came inside so he could rest.   He will be on pain meds and we will consider getting him a cart.   He also needs a dental, which we will set up.   He is lucky he was in the right place at the right time to be rescued.   We will take care of you!!   💙


  1. Mr Petey was so lucky to meet your rescue.... a Easter Miracle !!

    Praying for you Mr Petey!

  2. The poor little guy was indeed lucky that someone came to his rescue and now he's learning what love and care really means.
