Sunday, May 19, 2019


Mr. Petey has been here about three weeks now-- but he is coming out of his shell. 
He loves to explore.
Sorry buddy, those are just pans in there.  He likes to get into the trash if he can, but it's in a cabinet, so I've spoiled his fun.
He found Sugar Bit's tent on the porch and decided it would be a good hide out.
Can I get in there, too and have a restful Sunday.  I'm sure there's room for both of us! Mr. Petey says HAPPY SUNDAY!


  1. I'm loving Mr. Petey even more deeply seeing him "explore". He just keeps on keeping on and his personality is perfection itself. He is full of surprises.

  2. He is such a character. And he has one of the most expressive faces I have seen, makes you want to just hold him and protect him. He has been such a trooper through all of this and I am sure in no small part to the love you give these little bundles of joy they thrive with you. Thank you and all the others who persevere through all the trials and tribulations to give these dogs another chance at life. We really appreciate your effort.

  3. He is such a character. And he has one of the most expressive faces I have seen, makes you want to just hold him and protect him. He has been such a trooper through all of this and I am sure in no small part to the love you give these little bundles of joy they thrive with you. Thank you and all the others who persevere through all the trials and tribulations to give these dogs another chance at life. We really appreciate your effort.

  4. Mr Petey has come out of his shell and into your cupboards Linda !

    Happy Sunday to you all !
