Friday, May 24, 2019


Mr. Petey came to me last month, and settled right in. 
He has a very bad front leg, but he gets around, and if excited, he even runs!
He relaxed and was happy.
He got a new harness (thank you Joy) and fancy belly bands.  We think he must have lived outside, because he isn't house trained, but he made improvement. 
Minnie followed him around yesterday.  Did she know he was getting ready to leave and return to his foster home in Fairfax, VA?
He has the sweetest face. 
He can look at you and your heart melts.
He wasn't crazy about all the dogs here, but he did okay.  If he needed a time out, he went to his playpen. 
He learned to trust after probably not trusting people for a long time. 
 His hair is growing back, after over a pound of hair was shaved off, but he is so cute, hair or not.  I have so many dogs here that I needed to just not have so many-- Petey will have less dogs and probably a calmer environment that here at Camp Runamuck.
I'll miss his sweet face and his wagging tail.   But, his foster mom will keep me updated.  I love this little man. 


  1. I think Petey's hair will be just beautiful when it all grows back Linda.

  2. I will miss seeing his adorable face on your page..
