Tuesday, June 18, 2019


 BG came into rescue several years ago.   She looked so sweet. 
 And innocent.
 She took beautiful pictures.
 She loves to go for car rides!  She's hoping they are at a take-out window.  Goodies, please!
 BG may look docile-- but look out. 
 In our house, we would call her "a pill."   😞 LOL
 She turned 13 in December and even though she is older, she hasn't become more mellow.  Nope.  She is a pistol!
 Her latest hobby is tearing up piddle pads.   You're wearing it!
 She wanted to let me know what she was going through, so she sent me an email.  Yes, she did.
Here's what she wrote. 
"Dear Rescue Director, Mam, 

I was rudely presented to Dr. Amos on Wed. to get my annual flu shot.  I was on my very best behavior despite such rudeness.

Love, BG
These Pekes are so smart!!  😆

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