Thursday, June 20, 2019


Abby was Margie and Eddie's precious girl.
Margie had seen a posting on her.  Her first thought was, "She was ours."
She applied and was approved to adopt her, but... was found that Abby was heart worm positive and so Margie paid for the treatment.
She stayed in a wonderful foster home during her treatment, and then the phone rang that she was ready for her new home.
On May 17, 2012, Abby became Margie's little girl.
Margie's other Peke, Brutus, died a few months after Abby joined the family and then Prince Harry came into the family. Shortly after that, Mr. Magoo joined them all.
China Doll joined them more recently, when Margie and Eddie fostered her.  Abby was fine with that.  (This is Abby.)
Abby was always the princess. 
Her temperament was so good, that someone suggested she could be a PAT dog-- Pet Assisted Therapy.
She was so loved and adored.   She had herniated disc surgery on four discs and came through great.  She was by her mom's side when she had hip surgery.
And she has been her dad's companion as he has journeyed through cancer treatment.   She had a very special purpose when she joined her family. 
Abby developed a heart condition, but she still wanted to be involved and play.   She died after what was believed to be a heart related issue.
Her mom and dad adored her.   She is missed so greatly.  Losing a beloved pet is so so difficult. 
Run free, little Princess.  You were such a beautiful part of your mom and dad's life.  💜


  1. Having lost a beloved little girl to heart issues myself, my heart went out to Margie and Eddie's loss. My little girl was 13 years old and there were several bad episodes just prior to her death so I knew there was not a lot of time left for her. Cupcake and Patches were our babies since each was about 12 weeks old and they each left us within a year of each other then our Black Lab had a blood clot on the brain and that was our three babies raised from puppies. It was a very sad place here at our home and that's when rescue came into being for us. By accident, I saw a local advertisement for an adoption through a local PAWS rescue group and we were on our way with Bandit, an abused rescue boy. Shortly after, along came our Queen Willow and then a Peke/Pom mix...Mercer Meyer Mason VIII (we gave him a fancy name to make up for his time spent on the streets of Chicago).

    It doesn't matter if you raise them from tiny pupp-hood or adopt them, the loss is terrible to bear.

    I know Abby was a special one and her special talents made her a favorite wherever she went to do her therapy. We know Abby is looking down from her position now and following her parents even now and caring for them. She is still connected by memory to Margie and Eddie and that's the blessing of little angels on high because many angels have fur.

  2. So very sorry about your Loss of Abby. What a beautiful little dog and so brave through all of her many surgeries. You did everything you could for her & hopefully that will bring you some Peace in the days ahead. Sincere regards, Jessica Edwards

  3. I’m so sorry. Run Free sweet peke.💕

  4. I feel so sorry for your loss of that beautiful snow princess - Abby!
    What a beauty she was .... inside and out .

  5. So sweet! I had to let my baby go at the age of 15 and I miss her

  6. So sorry for your loss of Abby. Sounds like she had a good life her last 7 years, despite surgeries and heart worm treatment. She was a trooper, a pet therapy dog to her dad, and princess to her adopted siblings and human family. She had fulfilled her purpose with her new family. RIP Abby.
