Friday, June 14, 2019


Look who came to visit-- sweet Mattie!
Mattie was my foster girl two years ago and she was adopted with sweet Benjamin.   He passed away in  May.  She has become much more protective of her mom since he left them, but she still remembered my voice.  Oh my heart.
Paddington and Piper loved her-- she didn't love them as much LOL.
She just wanted to be on her mom's lap.
.. and pretend the rest of the dogs were not there!  😚
Piper said, "I'm still here!"  Sweet boy.
Nope, she wasn't getting off her mom's lap.
Chumley didn't care-- he just wanted his dumbbell toy. 
I'm so glad you came to visit, Mattie.  We love you!

1 comment:

  1. Oh isn't that lovely that she remembered your voice Linda!
    What a sweet girl Mattie is .
