Monday, July 8, 2019


 Hannah is the queen bee in Monica's home.  She was a foster dog who didn't like the adopted home and she came back and stayed.  It happens.   She is definitely the alpha dog there.
 Sweet Phoebe was a foster dog, too.  She came so far from the terrified puppy mill dog that she had been.   She is adorable and sweet. 
 Bigsby is there as a foster dog and Hannah lowered herself enough to lay under the chair with him.  Wow, that must have taken a toll on her self esteem, but Bigsby isn't a threat. LOL 
 One of adopters (and Monica's friend), Jelene Dudd, passed away.   Some of you may remember that she used to foster for us.  She made arrangements that if anything happened to her, her dogs would go to Monica and then we would help if we needed to.   (We are always there to take dogs back if the owner passes away.)   This is sweet Samson. 
 This is Lootie, another of Jelene's sweet group.  They are all 11-13 now, seniors, and they are all so sweet.
 Samson posted this picture on the Fourth.  :-)  (It's amazing how smart Pekes are!)
Delilah is relaxing, knowing she is loved and safe even though her mom is gone now.   We will update you on them, but they are all doing great.  And poor Hannah will just have to get used to the changes in her home.  Don't worry, Hannah...  no one wants your alpha position.   💜

1 comment:

  1. Oh Hannah .... I am sure Monica will keep and help you be Queen of the Peke's in your home!

    I have a 'King of The House" here (with four feet!!) and darn.... that Yum Yum even charges us rent!!! LOL
