Monday, September 16, 2019


 Mojo, with his beautiful color belly band, is visiting Fiona and Magnolia and Scout.  His foster mom was out of town. 
 Wyatt sent me his picture to show me how well he is doing.    Look at his skin-- and that sweet face! 
 My Kai Kai was keeping me company as I pondered the season of life we are in right now.   It's busy.
 Along with being part of our rescue and our board that makes the decisions, I have a granddaughter with a lot of health issues.   Some days are spent going non-stop and I will always be available for that sweet child and my daughter as they walk this journey to find health for Sugar Bit.   She has had seizures and stopped breathing, so it's a critical time for us.   She is only four years old. 
I share this to let you know that some days, I may be late (or absent) on a blog.   I may not post as many pictures on facebook.  I may not respond as quickly as I usually do.   But, I'm here, and will do what I can to help the Pekes who need us.  Thank you for your patience as we go along this path.   You are all so supportive and I appreciate you so much!


  1. I know you are there Linda and I know you are so busy too.

    Try to rest when you can .

  2. Your family above all other things now is important. Wish I was closer to give you a hand with something and most of all it's important that you don't spread yourself too thin when Sugar Bit and your daughter need you most.

    Prayers and a hug for you is all I can offer but will give freely of those things.
