Thursday, September 19, 2019


 Little Bit aka Bitty came to Virginia Beach to see the ophthalmologist here. 
 He has very dense cataracts.
 He wasn't sure where he was and not too sure who was near him.
 The vet tech held him securely so Dr. Nadelstein could check his eyes.  Dr. Nadelstein is amazing.  Not only does he do amazing eye surgery on dogs-- but he also writes comedy!
(see his bio below)
 Dr. Nadelstein and his associates have done surgery on or treated quite a few of our foster dogs  (and some of my own dogs).
 Bitty had to be sedated lightly so he wouldn't be afraid-- or nippy. 
 He relaxed right into his foster mom's shoulder as we waited for the tests.
 He had to have an electroretinogram to show the level of retina function.   After doing this, Dr. Nadelstein told us that Bitty's retinas are "functioning significantly below normal, and vision would not be improved after cataract surgery."  It was not the news we were hoping for. 
 Bitty will have eye drops to reduce inflammation which is secondary to cataracts.
 Since he was so calm (LOL), his foster dad was able to finish getting the knots off his feet and ears.  And the tech even trimmed his nails for us.   We have to take advantage of calm moments!!  😃
He was pretty drowsy, but they stopped at my house on the way back to Richmond and I loaned them a halo for Bitty to wear to help him get around easier.   I hope it works.   Bitty may not be able to see, but he has great capacity to be loved.   We are looking for a forever home for him.   He deserves it.
Here is his bio from his Office Site:  

Brad Nadelstein DVM, DACVO   (Chesapeake, Virginia Beach)
Dr. Brad Nadelstein graduated from North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine in 1993.  After participating in a one year rotating internship at The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine, he returned to North Carolina State and completed his residency training in ophthalmology.  After several years of practicing in Florida, Dr. Nadelstein moved to Hampton Roads and opened Animal Eye Care in 1997.  For the last 20 years he has enthusiastically provided specialty ophthalmology care to the pets of southeastern Virginia.  In his effort to provide the best in ophthalmic care, he underwent post-residency training in vitreoretinal surgery, and is currently one of approximately 5 veterinary ophthalmologists in the country performing pars plana vitrectomy and retinal reattachment surgery.  Along with practicing ophthalmology, he has served as the primary mentor for the highly successful Animal Eye Care Associates veterinary ophthalmology residency program, training multiple successful residents over the past 15 years. Dr. Nadelstein’s professional society memberships include the ACVO and ACVO Vitreous Society, as well as the Vision for Animals Foundation, for which he has served as the foundation’s president for 9 years. He loves making animals see again and relieving their eye pain. In his time away from work, Dr. Nadelstein enjoys sailing, tennis, fishing, camping and running.

1 comment:

  1. I was hoping for a better result for little Bitty but he is in a wonderful spot now ... full of caring people and I do believe dogs know this and I do believe they know a fabbo Ophthalologist when they are in their company too!!!

    * I wonder if Bitty told Dr Nadelstein this joke that is going around the dog kennels at the moment ? Here it goes -----

    Had to drive my girlfriend to the optometrist because she was having issues with her vision
    Turns out she was seeing other people..... Boom Boom !!! LOL
