Saturday, September 21, 2019


Ming and his sister Fushi had quite a history before they came into rescue. 
Their owner had died, a relative took them and then dumped them out on a highway.   But, somehow, miraculously, they came to us. 
Ming and his sister are the sweetest pair!
How could you just not love this face.
They were adopted to an incredible home in Maryland.
They are living the wonderful life there.  They helped heal their new momma's heart.
Her beautiful girl, Diva, passed away in February from kidney disease. 
Ming and Fushi are spoiled and loved there.
And that's just what we want for every foster dog we have.   I know we have pretty high standards for who gets to adopt our fosters.  Stories like Ming and Fushi's make it all worth while!  They are going on vacation today with their mom and dad.  I can't wait to see pictures of them at the beach!! 


  1. I hate dwelling on the bad but dumping two precious babies out on the highway after their owner's death makes me see red even this long after the fact.

    Yesterday I saw a post on Facebook where a "friend" referred to rescuers "self-righteous" puffed up people who have "RUINED" the Pekingese breed because we "buy" into the "rescue racket" instead of buying from "good breeders". I've paraphrased her remarks but kept in her nasty put-downs of us. Needless to say, she's no longer a friend.

  2. Oh I love these two ..... especially Ming who looks like she really loves a eyeliner and in the last photo .... she looks like she has lippie on too!!!

    I wonder where they are going ?

  3. These two have truly helped heal my heart and we love them very much. I'm truly blessed that we found each other and rescued each other. We are in Outer Banks and going to the beach today. ��
