Wednesday, September 11, 2019


 Well, we did it again.  Went to the dermatologist.  Mizmo is having more trouble.
 I knew it was time, since his skin has flared up and he was licking and scratching.
 He had to wear a little muzzle because he is not really good at the vet.  We are trying to help him, but I haven't figured out how to tell him that.   Can you see the indignation?
 He was fancy with his new harness and collar-- thank you Joy and Buffy!!   The staff commented on how handsome he was.
 More bloodwork was done, scrapings were done-- and he has another ear infection and skin infection.  AAAHHH!   We hope the bloodwork will give us some help.   He had another Cytopoint shot, too.  And ear meds and antibiotics.
"Let's get out of here," he said.   I'm done!! 


  1. I really pray that Mizmo finds out why he is itching and getting those painful ear infections!

  2. This poor little baby, he has come so far from his blank stare beginning and now this again. Prayers for this precious little boy.
