Thursday, October 17, 2019


 Gus came into rescue in 2013-- a sweet Peke with so many health issues. 
 After Jeanne ("Mama Jeanne") got him healthy, he was adopted by Susan.
 Gus was just about as perfect as a dog could be. 
 He became a New Yorker and made so many friends.
 Susan brought him to the picnic several times and we were able to love on him in person.
 I love seeing our alumni and holding them, kissing them, and see how wonderful they are doing.
 Gus had so much love to give-- and he received it right back. 
 Jeanne was able to see him again and it warmed her heart. 
 Gus developed pancreatitis.  It is a very serious condition and he was in the specialty vet, being seen by so many doctors, helped in every possible way.   He hadn't eaten anything for a week and wasn't doing well.  During this time, he had a stroke and declined quickly.   His mom held him as he left this world, and Susan said he must have met Mama Jeanne who would have been overjoyed to hold him again. 
Gus was one of the special ones-- sweetness all over.  He will be so missed.   Run free now, sweet boy. 


  1. Gus (Gusik, as we affectionately called him) was a sweetheart. I am so glad he had the loving care and devotion of his mom, Susan. All that knew him will miss him and keep him in their thoughts.

  2. Gus (or Gusik, as we affectionately called him) was a darling companion to Susan. He was lucky to have such a devoted and loving mom! I am saddened by his passing and will always keep him in my heart. Tatyana

  3. Hugs to you Susan .... little Gus was so close to your heart and he will be so missed.
    He was a handsome guy.
