Wednesday, October 23, 2019


 Freddie was hiding out a few years ago-- he said he is sure to be ready for Halloween.
 He sends out Freddie's Finds boxes and Thea (or is it Thursty) is checking out a toy in one.  Was a costume in there?
 The Parks Pups are dressing as Minions this year-- how cute!  Their mom makes all their outfits!
 Archie was not thrilled to be checking out part of a costume.  He belongs to a friend of mine. He's so cute and SO smart!
 Cali Gurl wasn't really in a costume-- she was just cheering on Bama.  But, I know she will be dressed up next week. 
 Oh, Ming.  Are you protesting?
 His sister, Fushi, is so adorable-- the wig can't hide that beautiful face. 
 Ming had to make another appearance.  He's being a very good sport.
Kai Kai said he will be fast asleep before trick or treaters come.  Dressing up isn't his thing.  It's okay.   When you're 14, you can do whatever you want.  :-)

1 comment:

  1. Yes.... Halloween ...I have my sweets ready but if it was like last year .... a "no show" .

    Still .... Yum Yum and I will be on the lookout.
