Sunday, November 17, 2019


Our living room, aka playroom, aka office, is a place used a lot in our home.  The Bits are in here all the time-- toy kitchen, play table for drawing, books to read, rockers to sit in...
And it's where I hang my Christmas Star.   I put it up first every year, before any decorations come out.  It's the beginning of thinking ahead to the holidays.   It's a family tradition from years ago when we lived in the Philippines.  My family put it up over the door every year.  But, now, it's inside, where it's protected.   And I love it.  (I hadn't seen it for YEARS, and when I was cleaning out my mom's home, I found it in a box in the attic.  I thought it was a huge gift and a memory blessing.) 
The dogs don't care about it-- Piper is just hanging out with Kai Kai.  They don't know what that star means to me. 
But, they are part of the playroom happiness-- and today, we just think about the cool weather outside,  And how that makes us ready to look ahead to the holidays that are coming.  I'm sure the dogs will help me on that.  Right?  Or maybe not.   They can watch and supervise the day's activities-- or maybe they can just snuggle with us and we take a day to just relax.  That sounds good, too!


  1. What a beautiful memory star of your Mum Linda.

    My Mother just passed and this Wednesday we have the funeral.... its those little things that bring back the memories and set new family traditions.

    It looks lovely in your room.

  2. So sorry for your loss LadyJicky! Sending prayers to ease your heart in the coming days!
