Wednesday, November 13, 2019


 Little Stewart has been here almost a week.  He is special.
You can see he has no eyes.   We don't know how long he's been blind. 
His horrible belly is healing.   I'm putting drops in his ears for an infection.  And he is doing better.   He loves his Salmon and Potato diet.  He loves to be held and turns his head a little when I clap or talk loud.  You see, he's also mostly deaf. 
But, he's happy.   So, there is no chance of putting him down just because "he's special."   Piper is intrigued by him.   Piper is such a good boy.
Stewart has realized a little that he is safe now.  He's clean, fed, loved.... And he's rolling around in his bed.  He's blurry here because he was happy and moving.
So, roll away sweet little man.   Stewart is 9 years old (we have his birthday, July, 2010).   He likes to walk on a leash, and he will wander all over my fenced yard.  He's a good boy-- 💙❤️


  1. What a great upbeat story. Maybe all of his previous but unknown treatment will fade from his memory. It sounds like that is already beginning to happen.
