Tuesday, November 12, 2019


Precious Pop came into rescue in 2012 with her brother, Beau-Bob. 
They both went to Kay and Claretta's for fostering, and they ended up staying there.   Who wouldn't fall in love with them.
Pop was formerly Lolli-Pop, but it changed since she popped all over the place.  She was so happy.
Beau-Bob and Pop were found wandering down the street and taken to a shelter near me.  Look at his face!   Could you resist it?
They were both sweet and I was so glad to get them. 
They were bonded-- I love this picture.
We weren't sure how old they were, but they were given a "birthday" and they celebrated every year.
Here are Pop, Beau Bob and Domino.   All three are now together again, where they can run and play and have joy. 
I know Pop was glad to see her brothers. 
Pop had skin issues, seizures, and other trauma that she had been through, but she was cherished the rest of her life.  She was doing great, and had recently had bloodwork that was perfect.   She had played that day, but all of a sudden, she began to hemorrhage and was gone in less than an hour.  The vet could not find what had happened.  Sometimes, we just never know.  That's hard, but it can happen.
I know Beau-Bob was there to meet Pop when she crossed the bridge.  I'm sure they barked and jumped and played as they saw each other.   
Pop is so missed-- but what a life of love she had.  She could not have had a better or more loving home.   She was a very special girl.  We miss you, sweet one. 💜 

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