Thursday, November 14, 2019


Can you handle another Stewart blog?
I hope so.  Last night, he decided he did NOT want to be in the dining room by himself.  He let me know!
So, I put Paddington in a different area-- because, you know, BAD PAD. LOL
Stewart found Kai Kai and rolled around in the bed with him for awhile. 
Then, he ventured on-- to the gate that Paddington was BEHIND.   Paddington let Stewart know he wasn't happy.   Stewart didn't see him, so he wasn't phased.  😆
Then, I thought, there he is, next to Max.  Whoops, that's Minnie.
We went outside and then back inside.
And he rolled around with Kai Kai again.
...and again.
...and again... And then he wandered off.  And I could NOT find him!  I looked all over downstairs once.  Then, I did it again.  I called my husband-- I can't find Stewart.  I knew he was in the house, but I began to panic.  Where was he??!!    We looked behind doors, under furniture, and we looked in the bathrooms.  NO STEWART.   
I had let Paddington upstairs and closed the gate, but I went up the steps anyway. 
And there he was.  He had gone all the way up the stairs, and didn't fall back down.  And he found a bed, and was curled up-- sound asleep.  My heart quit beating so fast.  He was safe.  But, I was a mess.   Stewart is just amazing.  He surprises me every day.  His blindness-- and mostly deafness-- doesn't get in his way a bit!  He is truly a Peke with a zest for life.  


  1. I, for one, never tire of the stories in this blog or on FB. Stewart is a wonder and such a zest for life despite blindness and a hearing problem. He doesn't understand the danger of falling down a flight of stairs, he only want to be where he knows he's not allowed to be.

    Love this little guy.

  2. OMG.... he went up the stairs and found a bed too!!

    Nothing stops Stewart !! Brave Boy!!
