Saturday, January 4, 2020


Freddie was a major ambassador for Pekingese. 
He believed each person-- or dog-- could make a difference.  We just needed to try.
Freddie had his own language-- it took me awhile to figure it out, but then it was an adventure to read what he said.
For example, "Eef you had a warneeng label, wut wud yoors say?
Mine wud bee;  Terrible at fetch. Cowch potato. Frito paws. Not a gard dog."
He celebrated holidays like no other dog. 
He knew some had gone on to heaven, and he knew they would still be in our hearts.
Freddie let his mom dress him up in all kinds of costumes-- and he was such a good sport!  He gave smiles to all of us who saw the pictures.
His face was precious-- and those eyes.  ❤️
I'm sure he took time to nap...
But, most of the time, he was entertaining us.   Making us laugh, making us smile.
His mom and dad took the best pictures of him.
He was the COO (Chief Operating Officer) of Freddie's Finds.  He was amazing at his job.
Freddie's Finds | A monthly pet subscription box for your dog.
His goal was to make lives better.  He had this on his site:  
Freddie’s Finds Dogmanitarianism.
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”
~Winston Churchill
Freddie loved to help rescue groups, and Potomac Valley Pekingese Club was one that he helped.
Rescues - Freddie's Finds   We are so grateful.
He was passionate about other animals and wanted their lives to be better.
About Us - Freddie's Finds   Freddie loved to give back.
What is Freddie’s finds?
"Freddie’s Finds is a monthly adventure of discoverable pooch proportions! Freddie is searching far and wide to find products pertinent to obtaining his goal, which is to preserve or enhance the well-being and merriment of his furry friends. Our passion here at Freddie’s Finds is animals, which culminates in sustaining their health and happiness. We have searched high and low for products that fall into this category. We discovered that the commodity exists, yet a lot of the box companies don’t want to put the effort into searching and finding. Along comes Freddie, who weeds out the profit-first companies and looks for brands  made by conscientious manufacturers who take pride in producing top-tier products designed to enhance and extend your pup’s life.
A portion of every Freddie’s Finds sold gives back to the pet community, whether it be a shelter, rescue or foundation. Knowing that we are helping to fund those that are saving lives and bringing light to the appalling conditions of puppy mills and pet stores motivates Freddie in his pursuit. Join Freddie every month on his excursions of sniffing out, digging up and chewing on his latest finds through stories, tweets and photographs.  If it’s out there, Freddie will FIND IT!"
Freddie was on facebook (where I followed him) and on instagram where many looked forward to his posts.
He was the face we looked for.
His mom and dad loved their boy so much.   Life without him just won't be the same.  Even though Freddie had brothers and sisters, he was unique and loved and so special.
We just found out that Freddie passed away.
He posted this post on Thursday:
Hewwo, me sweet fwends.
Een me mommas arms, surrounded by me booteafull familee...I closed my eyes and saw da mostest gloryus bridge. All of me bruvers and seesters were dere to welcome me home. I love bee eeng heer, but am meeseeng yoo all so munch, me felt me needed to reech out.
Wen me started dis page, me nefur eemagined da
fwendsheeps me wud cultivate. Togedder we gots to share our lives een dis snow globe of soshal meedia. Me wants yoo to no, me ees here holdeeng da globe een me paws and smileeng down on all of yoo. Me pwomees, dat me weel bee a part of yoor puppy pak dat greets yoo at da gates tumday. Unteel den, pwease take care of eech oder and nefur furgets, yoo were so lubbed by dis liddle golden-haired Peke.
Unteel furefur.
Hi, everyone. Thank you for loving our boy. I will write more tomorrow to let you know how we want to carry on his legacy of love, kindness and giving back and to share some words from my heart. Also, I may not respond to all of you, please don't think I am being rude, I just don't know how much more I can cry. But know, that it and you are all very much appreciated.
♥️Forever Freddie's Momma, Poppa and Auntie
This was posted last night on Freddie's page:
Hello, Beautiful Friends.
Let me begin by saying thank you so very much for the outpouring of love we have received, it means more than you could possibly know. Freddie was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension in September. There is no cure, we kept him as comfortable as we could, for as long as we could. Freddie’s mom wanted me to relay this message.
The sweetest, most loving, golden-haired boy taught me so much in his time here on earth. I learned from him, patience, as he sat ever so quietly whilst thousands of children and adults loved on him. He brought happiness, friendship, and love wherever he went, with his gentle eyes and soft snorts and in those moments, people had no pain or worries, time stood still for them and for Freddie. He taught me how to be silly and make others smile and laugh. He would let me dress him up in anything, all without any fuss, mind you. He saw the big grins and heard the thunderous laughs that erupted when he entered a room, holding his head a little bit higher so that everyone could see him and share in his joy. When we visited the elderly, the sick or the lonely, he was always so gentle and so sweet he left them feeling calm and at peace. I know he has personally assuaged the intensity of life when it was getting a little too hectic, the tranquility he brought me as he laid by my side and I ran my fingers over his soft fur, letting me take a break from the world and reassuring me that everything was going to be all right. It is extremely hard to get through the days now without that little one by my side, something in my life is missing and the hole in my heart hurts so much. The one thing I know for certain is that I MUST continue his legacy, I know the lil’ golden boy will help guide me in how to do this. Until we meet again, lil' one, I love you and miss you with my whole being. We want to thank everyone for letting us share his beautiful life. He has brought so many wonderful people together throughout the years, connecting hearts and causes. Through this, we have made the world a better place.
We are building on Freddie’s legacy of kindness through "A Favor for Freddie," please keep an eye on our page for updates and how we intend to expand on this community of kindness.
All our love,
Freddie’s Family

Freddie, you were incredibly special.  We will all miss you.  You will remain in our hearts with so much love.   Sweet little man.......❤️🌟


  1. Freddie was a beautiful Peke... inside and out .

  2. This is such a beautiful tribute to Freddie and his family! Thank you!

  3. What a beautiful tribute to Fred Leaf. I'm awash n tears again because this was such a thoughtful tribute to him. Thank you for making it a big part of the memories of Fred Leaf.

  4. Thank you for sharing Freddie’s life, Linda. This is beautiful - just like Freddie.

  5. Freddie is Still with us in Spirit. He left a Legacy to last forever! It shines like the Brightest Aura Borealis in the Sky! Freddie Bear brought so much Joy in our lives with a language like no other. Enjoy the Beautiful Afterlife Sweet Angel until the day we will meet again <3 <3 <3

  6. with much love you are truly missed but will live on in our memories.
    love...monkee poppz and her mommy

  7. love you for your heart. Better than most humans. Until we meet again. Run free with all of the other furbabies

  8. Luv this boy so much. My heart aches with the loss of him. <3

  9. Freddie we so very much
    We don't know how we can live without you
    We are so heartbroken

  10. What a sweet and beautiful boy. We will miss your sayings and antics! Model Mondays, soap operas and words of wisdom. Run free, little Freddie. Thanks you for your shining light.
