Sunday, January 19, 2020


 The board members for Potomac Valley Pekingese Club met yesterday in Richmond. We went to Scout’s house.
 We had lunch—we all bring things and of course, there were sweet treats.
 Cookies took center stage.
 Scout let everyone hold her.
Bridget belongs to board member, Elaine.  Mojo was there too- I somehow missed his picture.  He has. One so far since he came into rescue.  Walking and playing and having fun.
 Of course, Clara was helping take notes—
 “Anymore chicken?”
We got a lot done and we have plans going on for our annual picnic on April 25– so save the date!
Then, Clara curled up for the drive home.  It was a good day!


  1. I love the Board Meeting photos and look forward to seeing the photos from them.

    Of course, I knew sweet Clara was going so I enjoyed those photos too. Loved seeing her help with taking notes.

  2. So Clara was taking the minutes of the meeting .... clever Peke!
