Tuesday, January 14, 2020


 Yogi is a six year old Peke.
He came to us seriously ill with pneumonia.   His foster parents weren't sure he was going to make it, but he did, thanks to their incredible care.
He began to feel better, eat better and gain a little weight.
He wasn't too sure about humans.  I wish he could tell us his story.
He must have gone through a lot before we got him, because he wasn't too sure about trusting people.
He wants to trust.   He wants to feel safe.  It just takes time.
He does have opinions LOL.
He had a bath and then thought the towel would be great for a tug of war.  You go, Yogi!
Yogi is an excellent walker on a leash, but he's still trying to get the hang of house training-- did he live outside before we got him?  We don't know.  He didn't seem to know what being inside was all about.  (Belly bands a great to help with his inside accidents.)
When it's time to get up, he is just not ready.  He is not a morning dog.  He would rather scoot further into the blankets for a few extra winks. 
He is a little growly at first, but once he knows someone, he does better.   He is learning that people are okay, but we would not put him where there are children.   It might overwhelm him.  
He does want human attention-- it's just new for him.  
He likes other dogs-- here he is with Andy/Mr. Rooney.   Yes, I think Yogi is learning to relax.   If you are interested in him, just fill out an application.  Yogi is a special one, who needs someone with patience and love.   He's a beautiful boy. 


  1. Oh he is a beautiful boy and with time and love he will get more confident with people.

    I am doing my Adoption Dance for Yogi..... he is a beauty Linda!!!

  2. Adoption dance in a wheelchair is being done for Yogi. He is so beautiful/handsome. That little face is so cute.

  3. He sounds like my Molly - not a "morning dog" and at first afraid to trust people. My Molly came from a hoarding situation. I have had her for 1.5 years now and she is the perfect little companion. I love her so much!
