Wednesday, February 26, 2020


My Kai Kai came into rescue in April 2011.  He was almost 6 years old.
His family had a two year old who terrorized Kai Kai.
It's so important to teach our kids how to treat dogs-- instead of expecting dogs to accept harassment.  My grand Bits have learned that unkind behavior is simply not acceptable.  They know to treat the dogs with kindness. 
Almost four years ago, Kai Kai lost his eyes.  He had cataracts, and then glaucoma, and then retinal separation.  We did surgery to help each condition, but his eyes just didn't react well and had to be removed. 
His tail still wagged when he heard my voice, he loved to be next to me.   Even right after each surgery, even after his eyes were removed, when they brought him out to me, as soon as he heard my voice, his tail began going.  ❤️
Kai Kai is totally non alpha, so he gets along with everyone.   Paddington hasn't figured this out-- and if Kai Kai bumps into him, Paddington goes nutty.  So, I protect Kai Kai and usually they are not near each other.
Kai Kai has my heart.   I was so glad no one adopted him and after a year, he was mine!  I gave everyone a chance-- their loss. :-)
Kai Kai  had beautiful brown eyes when he came into rescue.  He was so trusting of me.  He knew I'd always take care of him.
Three years ago, Kai Kai had a stroke.  There are differences between vestibular disease and a stroke-- and we believe he had a stroke.  Since he didn't have eyes, we couldn't use those eye signs to figure some of it out.  Regardless, I was taking care of him, fighting for him to stay with me.   Then, his head was almost totally upside down, and recovery was not expected, but he came back to me.
Kai Kai will be 15 in June (so will Minnie).  He has age related issues.   He doesn't get around as well.  His head tilt is worse lately.   I know my time may be limited, but he's here today, and he's still my boy.   My heart.   I love my Kai Kai.  ❤️❤️


  1. Kai Kai won my heart immediately and when he had his stroke I cried and cried then prayed for him to overcome the head tilt.

    I more than understand the abuse undisciplined children have on a pet because my Bandit care from a home with six unruly children who tormented him and he was chained in the yard year round for the first two years of his life. He has been with us for five years and although he has made much progress he is still deathly afraid of children and shakes all over when our neighbor's grands come to visit. Any loud noise frightens him and raised voices sends him to my side for comfort and protection.

    I belief that the rescue organization had much to do with laws that forbid the sale of puppies in pet stores because rescues don't sell a dog to anyone who walks by but instead approve adoptions prior to sending a rescue to its new home.

    Prayers for you, wonderful Kai Kai and your loving family including children who understand how to treat animals.

  2. Thank god that Kai Kai has you to love and take care of him. His little nose must tell him that you are close and that you will comfort him. I could never imagine having a dog with no eyes. It must be so scary for them unless they have a person like yourself to be their eyes for them. God is looking out for Kai Kai too. Sending Kai Kai much love and comfort. Thank you again for loving him.

  3. Big kisses to Kai Kai .... he is such a beautiful boy - that coat colour Linda !!

    Keep on trucking Kai Kai .... Linda needs you near.


  4. When you brought Grace to me in Nov. 2011, you brought Kai along for the ride. He had SUCH FUN chasing my cats thru my family room and kitchen, till they flew over the baby gate and escaped!! Lol

    I’m so glad he has been your boy all these years..... ❤️
