Thursday, April 30, 2020


Waldo was adopted about a year ago.  
Waldo made quite an amazing transformation since then.  
  He is still territorial with his food, but has grown closer to Wendy Lou.
Waldo had some behavior issues from things that had happened to him.  But, he is happier than he has ever been.  His mom and dad took him to 5 sessions with a behavioral therapist and he no longer rushes the door. He hasn't been "a pill" in over 9 months! 
His sister, Wendy Lou, turned 14 years old this week.   She loves the beach and time with her best friend.    
They are both enjoying Mommy being home everyday, going on extra walks and having extra play time.  
On the weekends, Waldo and Wendy Lou help with yard work.  They watch and supervise, and bark at birds and bunnies. 
There couldn't have been a more perfect home for Waldo!!  


  1. I am so happy for Waldo.... he is in the best family !!!

    Today is Yum Yum's 2nd birthday and he went to the eye specialist and had to have a Operation... lucky for me they could do it today too.
    Yes Yum Yum Birthday.

    Yum has had a Medial Canthoplaspy and some eyelashes cut out.
    He is home and feeling sorry for himself but ... I would be too.
    We have the dreaded cone on the head so that will be "fun" .
    Wish us luck! lol

  2. I hope Yum Yum heals well and Yum Yum's family stays safe.

    The Waldo story is such an upper this morning. These Fur children coming to rescue from all kinds of situations tell us in many ways what they may have gone through before rescue despite not being able to speak.

    I truly do not know how I would handle this worldwide chaos if I didn't have my little group of rescues to carry me through. They make us laugh and entertain us with their antics and most every rescue story I read gives me hope.

  3. He is an amazing edition to our family and the light to our lives with his excitement and bunny hoping during play time! Thanks Linda!!
