Friday, April 3, 2020


 I have a lot of helpers during our stay at home time.   Many of you are doing your job from home and I'm so glad you can.   You are helping to keep us going. 
Chumley helps me a lot by wagging his tail and encouraging me.
 Kallie and Phoebe are helping Amee while she works. 
 Louie-- oh the look!   "What are you doing at home?"  LOL  I know he loves it.
 Lucy is helping her mom.  Wake up, Lucy.  You need to help.
 Done!  There she is!
 Claire's precious Miyoko.   She loved her so much.
 Brandy and Camden are Pupalegals helping their lawyer mom. :-)
 Rocco is very intent on looking at the screen.  What are you doing?  What are you writing?
 Rocky is helping-- sure he is.  😉
 Sneaky Wu is helping in his mom's art studio.  She draws wonderful pictures of Pekes.
 Tuck and Mollie are helping keep the banks running.  It's a hard job!
And Yogi-- he was recently adopted and look at his happy face.    He loves his new home and they adore him.   We have adorable helpers! 


  1. There is a lot of working Peke's out there!

    Yum Yum is on strike. :(

  2. I love the thought of so many helpers now that there are so many of us staying home. Our helpers are so joyful that many are doing their jobs from home.

    And a lot of our Fur babes are going to be so disappointed when life gets back to normal (and it will) and people have to go to their jobs at the normal places of business.

    Meanwhile, I enjoy seeing these babies soaking up the love and comfort they are getting now.
