Monday, May 11, 2020


We were asked to take Moxie into rescue.  Her owner had rescued her from someone else, but didn't feel she could take care of her.
Moxie is 12 years old and had some disc issues. 
She needed to be updated medically, and she had a dental.   After that, she was snoozing off the anesthesia. 
Moxie can sometimes lose some control, and not realize she is pooping, but she does well for the most part. 
She settled into her foster home.
She loved the yard.
And she loved napping-- like most Pekes do.
She found all the beds in the house and tried them out.
She found the toys, too.
She's a beautiful little girl, with a sweet personality. 
We knew finding her a home might be hard, but we also knew she was just fine where she was.  So many want a "perfect" dog with no health issues.   I haven't met a perfect dog yet, though.    They are all unique and special. 
Her Peke brother is Rocco, a PVPC alumni.  The other is Gracie.
Rocco wasn't too sure about Moxie being there, but she wasn't bothered. LOL
She has been there since March, and her foster mom decided they just couldn't let her go.   She had made herself such a part of the home that they wanted her to stay forever.
Rocco watches over her as she naps-- what is he thinking?  😉
Gracie and Moxie are best friends now, and Rocco is still opinionated.  Moxie seems to be looking at him saying, "Don't worry, you'll love me soon!"   I'm so glad Moxie is staying with a family that adores her.  Happy Adoption sweet girl!  💜

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy for Moxie too!

    What a pretty girl she is and what a fabulous family she has now!
