Friday, May 29, 2020


Blind dogs are first.... just dogs!   Chewy was adopted from us and his mom told me she would always adopt a blind dog.  
He's a happy boy. 
Sophie was my foster dogs.   She immediately stole Tricia’s heart when she met her.
There are many things you can do to help a blind dog. 
Stewart and Happy were both  adopted from us.  Happy has eyes but has no vision.  Drops are still needed to keep them moist. 
If you can love a special dog, consider a blind dog.  We often get visually compromised dogs. Some can’t see at all. Some can see some.  But, they are all special.  ❤️❤️


  1. Hi Everyone!
    Our computer has been off for 5 days but we are back on !!!

    I have seen by reading Must Love Pekes for many years the way blind dogs give so much love and can adapt to their circumstances so well.

    So , please , if you see a peke that you like - don't let it stop you adopting him/her.... you will find love a sniffling nose away!!!

  2. its JUNE aka SOPHIE MONTH !!! so special. My peke has been blind for the last 1-2 years. I think we took it harder than her !!!! she learned a lot in one year about learning how to navigate. Also pekes are so prone to eye issues. But in the future I will always adopt a blind peke =,)
