Wednesday, May 13, 2020


 Luna came into rescue from a shelter last fall.   She is only 2 years old. 
 She was fostered with Monk and Nippy and she fit in quickly.
 She had xrays and tests because of her back issues and inability to walk well. 
 Monk and Nippy were happy to have her there.
 With therapy and a diligent foster mom, Luna made amazing progress!! 
 Nippy was keeping social distance while the others laid on the deck.   Or maybe he just didn't want to get up and follow them.  LOL
 They all took a trip to the beach where they have a home.   The beach is not a "public" area since it's near homes, so they had the beach to themselves.   And it was 54 degrees! 
 Luna thought it was awesome-- and by the way, she is an official member of the family, too.   Not a foster anymore.  💜
It was cool and windy, but everyone had a great time-- there's nothing like the sound of waves to soothe the spirit.  No distancing required.   Even better!  It was a happy day!