Monday, May 4, 2020


Mitsy came to me in March. 
She was in a shelter after her owner died.   The family wasn't sure what to do with her, so they turned her in.
They weren't being cruel-- they just needed help.   Mitsy was "frozen" in the shelter.  She was so afraid.
So, we were able to get her and after a few stops, she came to me. 
I'm so glad she did!
She needed a lot of help.   But, first, we needed to let her decompress.
She met my gang.
Mitsy isn't a bit alpha with other dogs (unless it's dinner time).
After awhile, she became my shadow.   Here she is with Piper.
This is a favorite picture.  The girls, Clara and Mitsy.  I love this picture. ❤️
Mitsy learned she was safe and she always wanted to be close-- so I often had Clara and Mitsy following me.
Mitsy had eye folds that were effecting her eyes and a lot of her vision was gone due to pigment forming to protect the eye.   She had fold surgery to help her eyes. 
She would try to snap (but never bit) if something went across her eyes, so I had to make sure I didn't startle her.   Here she had a bath, and was getting ready to be blown dry-- in the kids' wagon. :-)
"You must really love me."   Yes, and that's why I gave you a bath-- to make you all clean and shiny.
Mitsy had two hernias when she came.  They had to be repaired. 
And during surgery, they made sure she was spayed.  She wasn't, and her condition was not good, and she could have gone into pyometra, a critical condition that can be fatal.  She was spayed that day.
Mitsy also needed a dental, and lost a few teeth. 
It was quite a surgery day for her and she was monitored closely.  And yet, she still came home and smiled.  She was so glad to be back. 
I have helped Mitsy heal, and get healthy and have loved her out of her frozen state.  She is a happy, sweet girl.   Many have said, "keep her."  But, you see, I am her foster mom.  And I can't keep them all. 
So, today, I am taking Mitsy to her new home with a friend of mine.  A friend who is SO wonderful and loving and who will give Mitsy all the time she needs to adjust.   Will Mitsy miss me?  Yes, she will, but then she will love her new mom.   Will I miss her?  Oh yes.   Watching her bloom has been such a gift.   But, if I keep them all, I can't help the next one.  And there will be a next one. 
I love Mitsy.  And if for any reason, her new home doesn't work out, she will come back to me.  But, I seriously doubt that would happen.   I don't let them go unless I really believe they are going to be loved and cherished just like I love and cherish them.   We love you, Mitsy--- you have so much love to give a new mom.  I can't wait to find out how well you do!  💜


  1. I am just so happy for Mitsy.... she is one beautiful girl and you can just see her blossom in your home Linda but .... you cannot keep everyone... we would have to call you that "Crazy Peke Lady " with all those dogs ! LOL
    Mind you .... gosh it must have been hard not to keep her ---- super pretty!!!

    All the best to you Mitsy and your new Mum!

  2. I'm kind of teary eyed this morning hearing that Mitsy was adopted because frankly, I've grown use to seeing her almost daily doing her physically healed as well as being Linda's shadow along with little Clara.

    I hope her parents will continue to share pictures and news of Mitsy's journey.

  3. I wish I could have taken Mitsy. I would have transported her to you but someone beat me to it. I'm so happy that she has a new home. I fell in love with her.

    Thanks you for doing such good work


  4. I'm so glad we got her out. I think Big Boy would have been too much for her to feel comfortable in our home.

