Saturday, May 2, 2020


 Yum Yum, in Australia, is 2 years old! 
 He celebrated with a birthday cake!   I'm sure it was dog friendly. 
He loved it!!  For his birthday, though, he also had to see the eye doctor and he had Medial Canthoplasty surgery.   This is where they close in the end/ends of the eye lid so that a smaller area of eye ball is exposed.  It's a common surgery for dogs with bulgy eyes.   It helps protect the eyes and means they can blink better.   This surgery also helped to fix some of the eye lashes that were growing down toward Yum Yum's eye, causing irritation.   It wasn't much of a birthday present, but he will feel so much better!
 This is Yum Yum’s  favorite toy….. it’s called Wild Hog and he knows it by name.   He adores it! 
Yum Yum is the first dog his mom has had who loves toys and  Wild Hog is number one in his toy box. 
Melinda does have an extra when this one goes to Hog Heaven.   LOL
Winter is coming to Australia now, so Yum Yum has a nice coat to keep him warm.    It's hard to think of it getting cold there as it warms up here.  (Of course, it's now May and we really aren't seeing a lot of warm up-- the cold weather has been lingering!)
Happy birthday, Yum Yum!!  🎂❤️

1 comment:

  1. Yum Yum says .... Thank you for my Birthday Wishes "Must Love Pekes"!!

    Not a nice birthday for him this year as he went to the eye doctor and had that Operation on the same day but he is a lucky boy....many dogs never get this surgery and so live in pain and perhaps blindness.
    So I think it a "sort of " good present but I cannot convince Yum of that! LOL

    Oh.... the Grand kids found another Wild Hog at K-mart so he got a new spare ( I have 2 now)and a nice warmy blanket .
    Happy Boy!
